I was recently detailing a car and listening to the Goal Digger Podcast (episode 310 // Ask Jenna Anything: How to Start). There were a TON of great questions submitted by people just starting out (LIKE ME!) and all her advice was speaking directly to me and where I am in my journey. It got […]
Every media outlet we turn on, from online/social to the local and national news on TV, the focus is on new numbers, new stats, new information on the COVID-19 outbreak. States are starting to take initiative and issue a lockdown. With all this uncertainty causing worry and anxiety, let’s try to take a moment and […]
We are right in the middle of living out a real life history making event. Schools are being closed down, social events (concerts, sporting events, expos, conferences, ski resorts) are being cancelled, people are being encouraged to self-quarantine to try to control the spread of the virus that is taking the world by storm. People […]